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Health Conscious Architecture
Heartmath Heatmaps
The prolonged accumulation of 'Heat' is an unhealthful condition. We might consider this to be like revving a car's engine and keeping...

Trauma Creates Focus
Trauma creates focus. Our body remembers trauma. Once this occurs, and it will, do you focus upon fleeing, resolution or apathy? The...

Dangers of Trans Humanism
Like a fist sized rock, it can be used to harm or it can serve as a paper weight. There are tremendously significant ethical questions...

Nature by Numbers
This computer animation short is stunning! I intend to meet its creator, Cristobal, to acknowledge in person the remarkable skills that...

A Good Day
The best advice I was ever given was 'Pay Attention'. For me this has come to mean the discovery and genuine appreciation of the cosmic...

Core Value Proposition
During Dr. Mason's entire medical education, he recalls only 40 hours of study covering nutrition. He speaks eloquently about the...
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